sebelum lupa, many many thanks to all birthday wishes di facebook… as today is my special day, my kitchen is close ye! hahahaa buleh percaya ke???
sebenarnya dah banyak kali sangat dah buat tavuklu pide ni tapi asyik tak sempat nak taruk entry pasal rupa pide tu suuuungguh bughok..haiii tak seni langsung nak buat rupa bentuk macam sampan tu
and tiap kali buat pide, i mesti asingkan sedikit dough untuk di jadikan magherita pizza for hasya. iyaaaa anak saya tu hanya makan magherita pizza jek…actually magherita pizza ni kan cuma taruk tomato, cheese and basil je kan tapi hasya tak makan kalau taruk basil..sudahnya taruk toamto ngan cheese aje lah…well, i guess most of the kids memang makan mcm gini kot kan! anyway, senang lah kejer mommies kan! sebab tu lah i suka recipe pide ni sebabnya kalau i malas nak buat pide punya fillings tu, i just use the pide bread’s recipe and turn it into a pizza kat rumah ni.. and the result is superb and we like it so much…
okay, here’s the recipe
many many thanks to shidah and Citra for sharing this wonderful recipe of tavuklu pide which i have turned it into a pizza ( nanti bila dah terrer buat rupa bentuk sampan baru i post an entry about pide ye!) in the mean time, rupa paras tu harus di sorok dulu hikhik
2 cups of flour
2 tsp instant yeast
1/2 tbsp sugar ( i used 1/2 tsp)
1/2 tsp salt
4 tbsp virgin olive oil
3/4 cup luke warm water
4 tbsp tomato puree
shredded mozzarella cheese
dried basil (saya guna mcCormick dried basil) kalau ada fresh basil lagi sedap – fresh basil harus di chopped dulu ye!
1. Take 2 tbsp flour, mix with sugar and yeast. Add 1/4 cup of luke warm water and let it stand for 30 minutes.
2. Mix the dry ingredients, then make a hole, pour in the wet ingredients. (saya buat lubang dan masukkan olive oil dan yeast tadi, kemudian saya masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit dan knead the dough sehingga tidak melekat, kiranya kalau dough tadi tk melekat di tangan and still ada baki air, tak perlu lah di tambah lagi. cukup setakat itu saja ye!) Knead the dough until it no longer stick to your hands.
3. Cover the dough, let it rise until it double the size. ( i left it for about 1 hour)
4. using a rolling pin, roll the dough into a round shape. this dough can make 8 inc pizza (if nipis lagi can make 3 pizzas )
5. preheat the oven at 150C ( api atas bawah)
6. Then brush the surface with tomato puree and sprinkle with shredded mozzarella cheese and basil on top of the cheese
7. then bake in the oven for 15 minutes. saya guna bottom fire sahaja (bila masukkan pizza tu saya tukar kepada api bawah sahaja) dan saya letak tray pizza tadi di rack paling bawah sahaja. kalau nak roti tu lagi rangup, lebihkan masa bakar ye!